toast::log::VerbosityPolicyConcept< Policy > Struct Template Reference
[toast logging library]

#include <toast/log/verbosity_policies.hpp>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

template<typename Policy>
struct toast::log::VerbosityPolicyConcept< Policy >

The VerbosityPolicyConcept describes the interface of a VerbosityPolicy. Currently the library provides three VerbosityPolicies: toast::log::always_output, toast::log::never_output, and toast::log::check_verbosity.

As long as a type meets this interface it may be used with the toast::logger class. A VerbosityPolicy must have a member function named check that takes an int and returns a bool.

Public Member Functions

void constraints ()
 Tests that a VerbosityPolicy meets the correct interface. Should only be used in accordance with the boost concept library.

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