/* This is an example to show how contracts help describe a class * specification. In this case we're describing either a stack or a queue. * The names have been made less obvious that then could have been on purpose * so that you can analyze the class to determine what container it is. * Once you have figured it out (which is possible only because of the * preconditions and postconditions), run the example with the class name * as the command line argument. Then try the other class name too. * * Note: this is by no means our recommended method of designing containers * but hopefully it does show the extra power contracts can provide. */ #include <list> #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <toast/contracts.hpp> class am_i_a_stack_or_queue { virtual void doadd(char) = 0; virtual void doremove() = 0; virtual char dopeek() const = 0; virtual int dosize() const = 0; virtual bool doempty() const = 0; virtual bool dofull() const = 0; TOAST_INVARIANTS_BEGIN(); TOAST_DEFINE_INVARIANT(size() >= 0); TOAST_DEFINE_INVARIANT(empty() == (size() == 0)); TOAST_INVARIANTS_END(); public: virtual ~am_i_a_stack_or_queue() {} void add(char c) { TOAST_IN(!full()); int oldsize = size(); doadd(c); TOAST_OUT(c == peek()); TOAST_OUT(size() == oldsize + 1); TOAST_OUT(!empty()); } void remove() { TOAST_IN(!empty()); int oldsize = size(); doremove(); TOAST_OUT(size() == oldsize - 1); TOAST_OUT(!full()); } char peek() const { TOAST_IN(!empty()); return dopeek(); } int size() const { return dosize(); } bool empty() const { return doempty(); } bool full() const { return dofull(); } }; class queue : public am_i_a_stack_or_queue { std::list<char> l; void doadd(char c) { l.push_back(c); } void doremove() { l.pop_front(); } char dopeek() const { return l.front(); } int dosize() const { return l.size(); } bool doempty() const { return l.empty(); } bool dofull() const { return false; } }; class stack : public am_i_a_stack_or_queue { std::list<char> l; void doadd(char c) { l.push_back(c); } void doremove() { l.pop_back(); } char dopeek() const { return l.back(); } int dosize() const { return l.size(); } bool doempty() const { return l.empty(); } bool dofull() const { return false; } }; void printall(am_i_a_stack_or_queue const &cont) { std::cout << "full? " << cont.full() << "\nempty? " << cont.empty(); if(!cont.empty()) std::cout << "\n Peek: " << cont.peek(); std::cout << "\nsize: " << cont.size() << std::endl; } void testit(am_i_a_stack_or_queue &cont) { printall(cont); std::cout << "Add 'n'" << std::endl; cont.add('n'); printall(cont); std::cout << "on second thought, remove it." << std::endl; cont.remove(); printall(cont); std::string s("toast"); for(std::string::iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) { std::cout << "Add '" << *i << "'" << std::endl; cont.add(*i); printall(cont); } } void usage() { std::cout << "usage: whatami stack|queue" << std::endl; std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc != 2) usage(); if(std::strcmp("stack", argv[1]) == 0) { stack s; testit(s); } else if(std::strcmp("queue", argv[1]) == 0) { queue q; testit(q); } else usage(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }